- share incentive scheme
- 1) Экономика: программа наделения служащих компании акциями по льготной цене2) Деловая лексика: поощрение служащих продажей акций, фондовый опцион
Универсальный англо-русский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
Универсальный англо-русский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
share incentive scheme — Any scheme in which employees who achieve personal or group performance targets are rewarded with shares in the company. There are many different types of scheme. In recent years, some companies have been severely criticized by shareholders for… … Accounting dictionary
share incentive scheme — Any scheme in which employees who achieve personal or group performance targets are rewarded with shares in the company. There are many different types of scheme. In recent years, some companies have been severely criticized by shareholders for… … Big dictionary of business and management
share incentive scheme — /ˌʃeər ɪn sentɪv ski:m/ noun same as share option scheme … Dictionary of banking and finance
Share Incentive Plan — The Share Incentive Plan (the ‘SIP’) was first introduced in the UK in 2000. SIP s are an HMRC (Her Majesty s Revenue Customs) approved, tax efficient all employee plan, which provides companies with the flexibility to tailor the plan to meet… … Wikipedia
savings related share option scheme — An approved share option scheme established by an employer for the benefit of executives or other employees. The Inland Revenue has detailed rules regarding the income tax and capital gains tax chargeable to individuals benefiting from such a… … Accounting dictionary
savings related share option scheme — An approved share option scheme established by an employer for the benefit of executives or other employees. HM Customs and Revenue has detailed rules regarding the income tax and capital gains tax chargeable to individuals benefiting from such a … Big dictionary of business and management
incentive — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ big, generous, good, great, huge, massive (esp. BrE) ▪ powerful, strong ▪ adequate … Collocations dictionary
incentive system — A scheme in which rewards are offered to managers or other employees conditional on certain performance targets being met. Apart from cash bonuses, such rewards may include shares or share options (see share incentive scheme), health insurance,… … Big dictionary of business and management
employee share ownership plan — ESOP A method of providing the employees of a company with shares in the company. The ESOP buys shares in its sponsoring company, usually with assistance from the company concerned. The shares are ultimately made available to employees, usually… … Big dictionary of business and management
employee share ownership trust — ESOT A trust set up by a UK company, under the provisions introduced in 1989, to acquire shares in the company and distribute them to the employees. The company s payments to the trust are tax deductible. The trust deed sets out the specified… … Big dictionary of business and management
approved deferred share trust — ADST A trust fund set up by a British company, and approved by HM Revenue and Customs, that purchases shares in that company for the benefit of its employees. Tax on dividends is deferred until the shares are sold and is then paid at a reduced… … Big dictionary of business and management